Welcoming Our Partners

At ADP Precision Engineering, 8th – 12th April marked more than just dates on the calendar. It was a week of jubilation, reflection, and gratitude as we celebrated a monumental milestone: 25 years in business. Our ADP Precision Engineering Open Week was a chance to open our doors wide. Welcoming customers, suppliers, and partners from over 15 different companies. It was a time to honour those who have been instrumental in our journey, whether they’ve been with us since the beginning or joined us more recently.

Personal Connections and Networking

The atmosphere during the Open Week was nothing short of fantastic. People took time out of their busy schedules to pay us a visit, and we were honoured by their presence. For many, it was an opportunity to finally put faces to the names they’ve been dealing with for years. In an age of emails and phone calls, there’s something special about the personal touch of meeting in person, and we cherished every interaction.

Showcasing Enhanced Capabilities

One of the highlights of the ADP Precision Engineering Open Week was showcasing our enhanced capabilities and capacity. As technology advances, so do we. It was gratifying to demonstrate the range of sizes and services we now offer. The reactions were overwhelmingly positive, with many expressing surprise and admiration at the breadth of our offerings. Comments like “we didn’t know you could do that”. And “we didn’t realise you offered such a range in size capability” reaffirmed our commitment to continuous improvement and innovation.

Pride in Quality and Organisation

Moreover, visitors were impressed by our dedication to quality and service. From the cleanliness of our factory to the organisation of our workshop, every aspect of our operation was met with praise. Comments like “The cleanest engineering factory we’ve ever been in” and “The most organised engineering workshop I’ve seen” filled us with pride, knowing that our hard work and attention to detail are being recognised and appreciated.

Renewed Trust and Confidence

But perhaps the most gratifying feedback came in the form of renewed trust and confidence in our abilities. Visitors expressed their admiration for our impressive machines and setup, as well as their assurance in our reliability as a supplier. Comments like “We know we can rely on you” and “We know we can give you an order and price will be competitive, and quality will be second to none” reaffirmed our reputation for excellence in the industry.

Continued Openness and Growth

Overall, the Open Week was a resounding success, and we’re already seeing the fruits of our labour with an increase in inquiries and orders. But our doors remain open, not just during special occasions, but every day. We operate with an open approach, welcoming anyone with requirements to get in touch and arrange a visit. After all, it’s the relationships we build and the trust we earn that truly matter.

Thank You and Here’s to the Future

As we look back on 25 years of excellence, we’re filled with gratitude for everyone who has been a part of our journey. To all who attended our Open Week, we extend our heartfelt thanks. Here’s to another 25 years of innovation, growth, and success. Together, we’ll continue to push the boundaries of precision engineering and shape the future of our industry. If you would like to arrange a visit, please contact us today by emailing sales@adp-precisionengineering.co.uk or alternatively call us on 0191 256 8071.

ADP – Precision Engineering Limited – Proudly providing quality solutions to a variety of sectors right across the UK & beyond.